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Custom picture framing service
As a top quality picture framing service in Southport, Merseyside we not only stock our store with great frames, but we also do our best to keep our prices competitive. Check out our great selection in store. At Streets Workshop, we’re driven by our dedication to offer a superior, personalised service. We smile with pride every time someone walks into our store excited about the great selection, and walks out satisfied. It means we’ve done our job right.
Ever since we’ve founded our store in 2020, we had one goal in mind: ensuring a permanent variety of fantastic & unique frame mouldings, from natural to modern, small to large, we offer it all!
Get in touch with us to learn more about our store, or come on over and say hi in person!
At Streets Workshop, our customers come first and we pride ourselves on making sure you find exactly whatever your imagination can create.
Custom Framing Service
Sleek, Modern,
Ornate Mouldings.
Whatever your style, we can provide you a great curated collection of frame. From traditional, to modern and deep rebate.

Mount cut is a simple and effective framing display showing the artwork in all of its glory. We offer flat, window or float mounting.

Canvas Streching
Have canvas you need to stretch?
We have you covered! With both thick wood canvas stretchers or MDF canvas board. Perfect for hanging alone or framing.

We offer three varieties of glazing: Ordinary, Non Reflective or Acrylic.

Selected work
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